The New Year presents a great opportunity to reset and look to the future, so what better time to consider your development for the year ahead?

At the end of last year we launched the second edition of the Shore Learning guide, which gives an overview of all the development opportunities available to you until February 2022. When setting your goals we encourage you to refer to the guide and identify any opportunities that may support you.

“The session I attended has proven helpful in both my working and personal relationships. It gave me food for thought and helped to show me I’m not alone in my situation or thinking.” – Rachel Willows

Opportunities available to all employees include:

  • Our popular Power Hour’s with brand new topics including ‘Embracing the New Normal’ and ‘Identifying and Building a Growth Mindset’ (sign up via The Cove). Plus back by popular demand ‘The Power of Sleep’ (21 Jan – sign up here) and ‘Overcoming Digistraction’ (27 Jan – sign up here)  
  • And, new for this year, ‘Coaching and Feedback Skills’ for those whose goal is to broaden their knowledge and skills in this area.

Opportunities available to managers:

  • Leader’s Exchange sessions are continuing with some interesting and relevant new topics on ‘Managing and Avoiding Firefighting’ and ‘Influencing Others’.
  • We’ll also be offering a new session focused on ‘Supporting your Team’s Wellbeing and Mental Health’ to help start those important conversations with your team.

“The Power Hours have been really helpful for me this year. They’re short and sharp which has helped me to stay committed to my own personal development goals. I’ve also built some great new contacts from around the business and I’m looking forward to expanding my skillset and perspective more next year through further sessions” – Michelle Blake

All sessions (excluding The Power of Sleep and Overcoming Digistraction) are now available to book via The Cove. The Power of Sleep and Overcoming Digistraction can be booked via the links above on this page.

To help you get started…

If you’re not sure where to begin with your development, why not try using the MyBestMe toolkit on The Cove to help you identify your key areas to focus on for the year?

You’ll have time to discuss your development and aspirations with your line manager in your enabling conversation later in January so what better time to give it some thought!

If you need more support or would like to talk to one of the team, contact

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