While we’re in lockdown it’s important that we continue to focus on our wellbeing and make time to socialise and have fun however we can. That’s exactly what some of our people from the Cunard team did last month when Pancake Day rolled around …

The French are masters of the thin crepe and the Americans, the thick fluffy pancake. Some outright despair at the thought of topping their pancake with anything other than lemon and sugar, others rave about their versatility and top them with anything and everything.

Cunard Revenue Management & Deployment celebrated Pancake Day remotely with a flipping competition and pancake parties in their separate homes. They had pancakes galore, but most notably, a topping of moss and leaves after a flip which detoured via the guttering! A skillful landing by Paul Kenny nonetheless, resulting in Paul being voted ‘best flipper’ and the recipient of a deluxe frying pan!

A huge thank you to Nicholas Oldroyd for also sharing the below pictures of our colleagues on board our ships showing us how it should be done!

If you’ve been hosting any fun activities or virtual events with your teams let us know by emailing Internal.Comms@carnivalukgroup.com

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