Cunard has extended its pause in operations due to the ongoing travel constraints in place across the world.

Voyages departing on board Queen Mary 2 up to and including May 28, 2021 and on board Queen Elizabeth up to and including June 4, 2021 are now cancelled. Departures on Queen Victoria remain unaffected and are scheduled to resume May 17, 2021.

Cunard president, Simon Palethorpe said:

 “Our extension to the pause in operations is the result of the ongoing restrictions on cruising in the UK and around the world and recognises the significant lead times to return to service, once those restrictions are lifted.

“We clearly don’t want to extend our pause in operations any further than absolutely necessary and I want to assure you that we’re continuing our activity around our return to service so we can make sure that we’re completely ready when the time is right to return to sailing for us and our Guests.

“For all our Guests, we are extremely sorry for the disappointment the extension to our pause in operationswill cause. We know how much careful consideration goes into planning a holiday and apologise that our guests now have to wait a little longer to travel once again with Cunard.

If you have a concession cruise booked that is affected, rest assured, you should receive a refund within the next few weeks via the same method that you originally paid with. If you do have any questions about your booking please contact

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