We’re committed to supporting and developing our people to become the best version of themselves and create great leaders of the future. That’s why, in May, we ran the second cohort of the Springboard programme – a targeted early development programme for our people (Levels 10-7) who’ve been identified as potential managers and leaders for the future.

The programme was launched on 17 March with 15 people taking part, followed by the second cohort on 7 May. Next we’re planning to launch two further groups in 2019.

The six month programme has been designed to develop core skills, competencies and behaviours, equipping these potential future leaders with the tools to learn and be ready for career progression more quickly. In addition, the programme provides us with great insight into who we could consider as successors for certain roles in the future.

Those taking part have an opportunity to learn through networking, group learning partnerships and social learning interventions in addition to receiving regular coaching, support and advice from their line manager.

At the moment, Springboard is only available to our shore side employees, however we’re actively looking to review the programme to enable the same or similar offer to fleet colleagues.

Here’s what one of our Springboard delegates had to say…

Joe Sutton, who’s taken part in the programme, said “The Springboard programme is all about developing leadership skills. It’s not about being someone you’re not; rather it’s a call to ‘be yourself, more so, with skill.’  It’s teaching me to be more aware of how I present myself and the effect that has on my team, my peers and my leaders. The course has provided space to consider at some depth the kind of leader I am, where my strengths lie so I can hone them, and where my gaps are so I can develop them. Having a cohort of new and upcoming leaders working at Carnival who are aware of their style, can adapt it depending on the context, and know how to influence and inspire their teams will be a powerful force in the coming months and years as we continue to grow as a company.”  Joe Sutton – Manager Applications

If you’re a manager and know someone you think could really benefit from this or if you have any questions please contact Siobhan Calfe in the Talent Team, or discuss this with your departments HRBP.


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