This World Environment Day, we’re excited to announce that Carnival Corporation has been honoured with three prestigious ESG Shipping Awards for 2024. The awards recognise companies in the global shipping industry that demonstrate innovation and exceptional commitment to sustainability and responsible business practices.

Gold Climate Change Leader Award:
We received top honours for our Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) program, a fuel technology we pioneered within the cruise industry as the best readily available fuel to deliver immediate greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions. Across our brands, our 10 LNG-capable ships currently in operation, in addition to three more expected for delivery, will collectively represent approximately 25% of our total fleet capacity by 2028 and are adaptable for renewable fuels when they become widely available. By investing in LNG powered ships and taking other decisive climate actions, we’re producing 10+% less total GHG emissions today than 2011, our peak historical year.

Bronze Environment Leader Award:
We were also awarded for our aggressive food waste reduction actions to minimise unused food across every aspect of food preparation and dining services onboard. This includes investments in innovative food waste management technologies such as biodigesters and dehydrators that naturally break down and responsibly dispose of unused food. Together, these strategies help reduce our “foodprint,” delivering a 40+% reduction in food waste per person relative to our 2019 baseline. This performance surpasses our 2025 goal, building increased momentum toward our 50% reduction target set for 2030.

Gold Technology Leader Award (AIDA Cruises):
Part of our Carnival family, AIDA Cruises was recognised for having onboard AIDAprima the largest lithium-ion battery energy storage system in passenger shipping, with a capacity of 10-megawatt hours. Installed in 2022 and extensively tested in 2023, this innovative technology can be used to supply energy to the ship and allows it to operate in a net-zero emission mode for limited periods of time.

Bill Burke, Chief Maritime Officer said:

“We’re committed to leading the way in sustainable cruising and are incredibly proud to be recognised for the remarkable progress we’ve made toward cutting greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and reducing food waste across every aspect of our operation.

The programs honoured in the ESG Shipping Awards are just three of countless examples of decisive actions we’re taking to shrink our environmental footprint and pursue net zero GHG emission by 2050.”

Collectively, these recognitions underscore our commitment to sustainability leadership and to reducing our environmental impact. Check out to find out more our long-term sustainability vision and progress.

This release may include claims related to our greenhouse gas emissions reductions, goals, initiatives, accomplishments, and progress reports. Supporting data for such greenhouse gas emissions claims, including data verification information, is published in our Sustainability Reports on on an annual basis.

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