We always love to hear what people have been up to, both ashore and onboard. We recently caught up with Joey Carrigan, Ventura’s HR Manager, who shared with us a thrilling basketball tournament that took place onboard. Here’s what he had to say…

“On a breezy evening, post sail away, our talented ladies took part in a Seafarers Welfare Committee basketball tournament. Drawing attention from spectators the event brought everyone together. Each game displayed skill and determination, with swift passes, sharp shooting, and agile defense.

As the competition intensified, the final match promised a showdown. Top teams ‘Closa’ and ‘Fujimoto’, known for their agility, faced formidable opponents, captivating the crowd. In the end, Closa and Fujimoto emerged victorious, their teamwork carrying them to a hard-fought win. Their opponents, though defeated, were gracious in defeat.

In a world filled with challenges, our recent tournament was a reminder of the joy and camaraderie that sports bring, uniting people from all walks of life”.

Thank you to Joey for sharing this story. We’d love to hear from you too. Share what you’ve been up at Internal.Comms@carnivalukgroup.com.

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