One of the things that makes us a great team is how diverse we are. Many of us come from different backgrounds, have had different experiences and have different views on the world. Being curious and learning about each other is a great way to be more open-minded and help everyone to feel respected and included.

We have a range of learning tools and activities to support colleagues with this. Recently the team on board Queen Elizabeth put this into practice with a workshop to explore cultural diversity, and learn how we can best work together…

Carolina Valencia, Crew Welfare Officer

“With team members from so many different cultural backgrounds, fostering an environment of respect and understanding is not just important—it’s essential. That’s why we recently hosted a transformative culture workshop for our esteemed housekeeping team.

Led by our Crew Welfare Officer, Carolina Valencia, the workshop delved into the significance of cultural awareness and respect in our workplace. With insightful discussions and practical tips, team members gained valuable insight into navigating cultural diversity with grace and empathy.

  • Understanding the importance of respect: The foundation of the workshop centred on the importance of showing respect to one another. In a team as diverse as ours, it’s crucial that we honour each other’s cultural backgrounds and perspectives.
  • Tips for working with cultural diversity: Practical strategies were shared to help team members navigate the complexities of working with people from different cultures. From avoiding stereotypes to adapting communication styles, every tip aimed to champion inclusivity and mutual understanding.
  • Adapting communication styles: Effective communication is key to bridging cultural divides. Team members were encouraged to adapt their communication styles to accommodate different beliefs and values, to enable clearer and more respectful interactions.
  • Respecting privacy and personal matters: The workshop emphasised the importance of respecting each other’s privacy and personal matters. By setting boundaries and showing empathy, we create a supportive environment for all.
  • Appreciating differences and perspectives: Team members were encouraged to appreciate other points of view. By understanding differences, we unlock new possibilities and foster an inclusive culture.

The workshop ended with positive feedback, with team members grateful for the opportunity to deepen their cultural understanding, leaving a lasting impact for better collaboration and communication across our company.

As we reflect on this, we’re reminded of the importance of our Culture Essentials and encouraged to carry forward the spirit of diversity and inclusion in our daily interactions, knowing that our differences are what make us truly unique.” 

Thanks for sharing with us, Queen Elizabeth – it’s fantastic to see the ‘Working across cultures’ learning tools brought to life and the positive impact the workshop has had on our colleagues. Want to showcase your ship’s events on The Insider? We’d love to hear from you! Email us at

Together we can build a more inclusive culture for everyone

As we continue to listen to colleagues speaking up, we’re understanding more about what we do well, and where we need to improve. This includes how we work across cultures, as well as tackling issues of favouritism and bias to make sure we treat everyone fairly. We’ve got a range of learning tools and activities to help build your knowledge and play your part in building a more inclusive culture for everyone – click here to find out more and get involved.

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