Our amazing colleagues on board our ships work so hard to create unforgettable holiday happiness for our guests, so we’re taking a moment to shine a spotlight on them! Continuing our Holiday Heroes series, find out what makes them shine, hear about their roles, ambitions, hobbies, and what life is like working aboard our P&O Cruises ships.

Next up meet … Jude Rodrigues, Cabin Steward onboard Aurora.

Originally from Mumbai, India, Jude Rodrigues has worked at sea for over 30 years. 

“I love my job. We get to meet different people every day. As a cabin steward, guests get to know me well. We have conversations on a daily basis. I check in with them, have a laugh and help them with requests to improve their stay.

Aurora is a magnificent ship, my favourite of the whole fleet. It’s small and intimate and the guests love it. They come time and time again. The more you know your guests, the better! The team spirit is very positive on Aurora because this is a very happy ship.

When I’m not at work, I play the ukulele and the violin. When I want to unwind, I sometimes organise a karaoke night with colleagues on board.  We have a bit of a sing song and have fun. I like AC/DC and songs by Scorpions, Guns’n’Roses and my favourite band, Def Leppard. I like rock music! That’s my speciality.

One of the best places I’ve travelled to on Aurora is Brazil and Rio de Janeiro. I love going to the top of the statue at Corcovado. It’s breathtaking standing on Sugar Loaf Mountain and seeing that view. The beaches of the Copacabana are also great.

The best part of the ship for me is the food in the crew mess; it always has a wow factor. I come from India but my mother is Italian, so I’m very keen on Italian cuisine. The chefs on board cater for all tastes, and they make great lasagne. Mamma mia!”

Thank you Jude for sharing your story with us!

Want to meet more of our Holiday Heroes? Head over to the P&O Cruises blog.

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