We always love to hear what people have been up to, both ashore and onboard. We recently caught up with Joey Carrigan, Iona’s HR Officer who shared with us an exciting new SWC event that crew have been enjoying onboard Iona. Here’s what he had to say …

“In a riveting showdown that had the entire audience on the edge of their seats, lona’s very own Deal or No Deal crew event brought the house down with laughter, excitement, and a touch of nail-biting tension!

Kevin, the fortunate computer-generated contestant, bravely took on the formidable SWC Banker in front of a whopping 150 crew members. The atmosphere was electric as the game unfolded, and Kevin, with nerves of steel, navigated through the boxes like a seasoned pro.

Despite winning a grand total of £.001 (yes, you read that right, decimal included), Kevin’s spirit shone so bright that the SWC couldn’t resist awarding him a whopping £500! Talk about a winning moment IONA’s first-ever Crew Deal or No Deal.

Entertainment Manager Andy Jones took the reins as the charismatic host, and boy, did he deliver! With a wit sharper than a roulette wheel and excitement that could rival a jackpot win, Andy kept the crowd entertained throughout the night.

A massive round of applause is due to the unsung heroes behind the scenes—The Casino Team, The Crew Office Team, Youth Manager, The Production Team, and the Entertainment Team—who worked their magic to make this show happen. It was a night of triumph, even with the clock deciding to spring forward an hour unexpectedly!

The SWC expresses heartfelt gratitude to everyone who contributed to the success of this unforgettable evening. Here’s to more laughter, thrilling games, and successful nights on board IONA!

Until the next deal is sealed, sail on, Team IONA! 🚢💰🎉”

Thank you to Joey for sharing this story. We’d love to hear from you too. Share what you’ve been up at Internal.Comms@carnivalukgroup.com.

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