Year end conversations must be completed and submitted to myHR Portal by Thursday 28 December. If you’re yet to complete your conversation with your line manager make sure you have time booked in this week. 
To make the most of your end of year conversation, preparation is key. Here’s how you can get ready: 

  • Reflect on your achievements, challenges and review your progress against your performance and development goals. 
  • Think about how you’ve achieved it, using our Culture Essentials
  • Identify your focus for next year and any support you may need. 
  • The conversation is an opportunity for you and your manager to share and receive feedback with each other about how things are going. Think about any feedback you may wish to share with them to cultivate your working relationship – click here  for some advice. 
  • Before your meeting, update myHR portal and submit to your manager. 

While you’re reflecting on all the things you’ve achieve this past year, it’s a good time to also start thinking about the year ahead and setting goals for 2024. As part of your year-end conversation, we encourage you to spend a bit of time talking openly with your line manager about any business goals for 2024 as well as any development needs and aspirations. 

You’ll need to submit your goals for 2024 to myHR Portal separately. Goals should cover BAU initiatives as well as significant pieces of work.   

It’s recommended that goals are established by 31 January and reviewed, discussed and updated regularly throughout the year.  

Supporting you 

To prepare for your conversations and for guidance on how to submit details of your conversations to myHR Portal visit the performance management hub on The Insider.  If you have any questions, please contact People Support at or call 02380 656666. 

Guidance for Managers can be found here on The Insider. 

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