The holidays are a special time to recharge, celebrate, and reflect on the year gone by. This year, from a work perspective, we indeed have so much to be grateful for!

The restart is now firmly in the rear-view mirror. We’ve been full steam ahead for much of the year, with our ship teams serving millions upon millions of guests around the world – and achieving some incredible milestones along the way. For example, we broke booking records quarter after quarter, we set revenue records, we welcomed three stunning new ships, celebrated landmark brand anniversaries, broke ground on exciting projects like Celebration Key, and continued elevating the cruise vacation experience across all our brands. And we haven’t lost sight of doing this responsibly, with our absolute greenhouse gas emissions down over 10% since our 2011 peak — despite a 30% increase in our fleet size!

But the real magic continues to be the people who make it all happen – day in and day out. Each and every one of you are the driving force behind what makes our company special. Your dedication, talent and passion show up in our outstanding guest satisfaction levels, our industry-leading demand, our improving employee satisfactions scores and our business performance, including our financial results, which we’re eager to share in our Q4 and full-year earnings call later this month.

As we reflect on the year, it is fitting that we take time to simply proclaim the gratitude and appreciation we have for each of you. Thank you for your unwavering commitment to delivering unforgettable happiness by providing extraordinary cruise vacations to millions of guests – all while continuing to honour the integrity of every ocean we sail, place we visit and life we touch. Like I’ve said before, you truly are the best in travel and leisure, and I’m incredibly proud to be on your team.

So, as 2023 winds down, take a well-deserved bow in recognition of your contributions. From the entire Carnival Corporation & plc family, warmest wishes for a safe, peaceful, and joyful holiday season. Onward and further upward to another amazing year together!

Josh Weinstein
CEO, Carnival Corporation & plc.

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