As you’ll know one of our top priorities is the safety and wellbeing of the communities we touch but it’s also important we establish strong relationships with them to support our growth and continue enhancing our reputation. And this is how we do it…

We have a long history serving destinations around the world in order to bring fresh and exciting experiences to our guests. Having called at certain destinations for over 100 years, many of these local communities are enormously proud of that fact. 

As part of this long running heritage our operations have brought us into contact with a wide array of stakeholders that include elected national and local representatives, port authorities, community leaders, NGOs and others. Corporate affairs means managing these relationships in a proactive way and advising our business on issues ranging from tourism, borders, sustainability, skills or in specific cases to address anti-cruise sentiment.

For example, Paul Ludlow recently met the British maritime minister to raise our profile as a national flag carrier, to highlight the extent of Carnival’s UK-based economic activity and promote the development of a dedicated UK cruise strategy. We also aim to do the same in our strategic destinations, such as our home ports. For example, recently in Malta we hosted the Minister of Tourism onboard Azura to discuss our economic impact, sustainability and skills and have done the same in Southampton and Barbados. 

As the pandemic, climate change or international conflicts continue to remind us, we operate in an increasingly complex environment. It’s important we continue to raise our profile and build relationships in the UK and key destinations in which Carnival UK has held a long presence.  

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