Earlier this year, we launched the World of Cunard Competition to celebrate the 100th anniversary or Cunard’s pioneering world cruise, and the departure of our new Centenary Wold Voyages on Queen Mary 2 and Queen Victoria. 

A huge thank you to all those ship and shore who entered the competition! From over 50 brilliant entries, four entries have been selected by Cunard’s Senior Leadership Team for our shortlist, and they will now vote to select our overall competition winner!

Could it be you? 

As a reminder, our overall winner will be awarded with the prestigious Cunard Trophy, and a top prize of up to £1,500 up for their team’s office party kitty, or Crew Welfare Fund if on board! 

You may remember the first We are Cunard Competition that ran back in 2019, when you got creative and showed us how you lived our Brand values! Daniela Buda, Photographer on board Queen Elizabeth was crowned as our overall winner.

The trophy has now been collected from Queen Elizabeth, its home for the past four years – and is ready for its next adventure.

You’ll be able to find out where the trophy will be headed next, when we announce our winner next week! 

Good luck to all our entrants! 

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