Our focus on how we do things is so important. By living our Culture Essentials every day we continue to improve the way we work together, create unforgettable holiday happiness for our guests, and be the great company we aspire to be.

Recently our Housekeeping team onboard Iona brought this to life with a training programme to engage and upskill new colleagues. We caught up with HR Manager Charles Stewart to find out more…

“Focussing on our Culture Essential of Empower, our Housekeeping Manager Manoj Kumar and Assistant Housekeeping Manager Mary May Sebastian, along with their Deck Housekeeping Team, ran a programme to engage and upskill our team members who are new to sea. They did this through initiating an imaginative, fun and challenging programme of practical skills and knowledge-based learning, which aimed to give their new team members the tools and vision to succeed.

The programme centred on providing the teams with a road map for them to learn key skills and to gain valuable insight into how applying our service standards to the highest degree plays a key part in how they present our ship to our guests and make them feel special. Whether it be a beautifully laid out cabin with welcoming appeal, or ensuring that our public areas sparkle and delight our guests, our colleagues were really excited and energised to take part.

Although new to sea, many of our new colleagues have years of experience in the leisure and hospitality industry on land. This programme enabled and empowered them to bring their own experiences and to share their knowledge and skills with others, whilst at the same time giving them a deeper understanding about how SHINE and our service standards deliver unforgettable holiday happiness for all our guests.

Manoj and all his team have been great Cultural Essentials champions in promoting our brand standards. They have truly inspired and empowered our new colleagues to be the best they can be, and get them off to a great start in their new career with P&O Cruises!”

Take a look at the programme road map the team developed:

It’s fantastic to see the team thriving and embracing our Culture Essentials. Want to share your experiences of how you and your teams are bringing our Culture Essentials to life? Drop us a line at internal.comms@carnivalukgroup.com 

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