On 23 June, our 2022 Culture Essentials Awards winners, the CUK Vaccine Working Group, spent a day at the Quobb Estate, a local Vineyard in Wickham.

In December 2022, the team were voted by their colleagues as our overall Culture Essential Awards Team winners for the year, and received £5,000 towards a team event as their prize. Using the prize money, they were finally able to get together and celebrate their success with a celebratory lunch, wine tasting or flower arranging, and a vineyard tour.  

Ellie Fishwick, Director, Fleet People Operations Support, said: It was great to spend a day at the Quobb Park Estate to recognise the team’s effort and celebrate our 2022 Team Culture Essentials award win!

The best part of the day for me was actually reflecting as a group and remembering  just how hard everyone really did work to achieve the end goal. The achievement would not have been possible without the collaboration across both brands, ship and shore, and the NHS. Everyone pulled out all the stops to meet the policy and should be so proud. 

Our Culture Essentials Awards celebrate and recognise colleagues who support our Culture Essentials by living the behaviours that demonstrate our ideal culture.

Know a team or an individual who has demonstrated an outstanding example of this? Show them some appreciation and nominate them today!

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