In April we took part in Best Workplaces in Travel, an independent leisure industry survey to find the top 25 Best Workplaces in Travel. As our goal is to be Travel’s Employer of Choice, this was a great opportunity to benchmark ourselves within the travel industry. Carnival UK, Seabourn, Princess Cruises, Holland America Line and Corporate colleagues took part.

For 2023 we haven’t been recognised in the top 25, but what we have seen is that the overall survey results from all companies taking part, including Carnival UK, were exceptionally high – our eNPS was +42. The results have also reinforced our people planning areas of focus as the insight themes are broadly consistent across both this survey and our Pulse Survey.

With over 75 companies taking part, benchmarking for Best Workplaces In Travel isn’t against like-for-like companies – participants range from family-owned independents with 10 colleagues to business travel, adventure specialists and global multi-faceted travel companies. This makes detailed comparison more challenging, but as our ambition is to be Travel’s Employer of Choice, taking part in Best Workplaces in Travel helps us to see how we compare across the broader travel industry.

Next steps

  • We’ll more closely map CUK Pulse Survey insight themes with Best Workplaces in Travel themes to identify whether there are any additional areas of interest for people planning.   
  • If any additional areas of interest found, these will be factored into people planning.

Thank you to everyone who took part. Your feedback is invaluable in helping us to make Carnival UK a great place to work and for us to become Travel’s Employer of Choice.

What is Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS)?

eNPS is a way of measuring how likely employees are to recommend an organisation as a good place to work. It asks one simple questionOn a scale of 0-10, how likely are you to recommend [company name]as a place to work? 

 Responses to the eNPS 0-10 satisfaction scale are graded into three categories:

  • 9-10 – Promoters: The most satisfied employees, happy and motivated
  • 7-8 – Passives: These employees are content enough, but not passionate about the business
  • 0-6 – Detractors: Dissatisfied employees who wouldn’t recommend the company

To calculate a company eNPS, first remove the Passives. Subtract the percentage of Detractors from the percentage of Promoters.

good eNPS score is between 10 and 30above 30 is excellent.

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