Arvia has been officially named in our spectacular beachside naming ceremony which took place in Barbados last Thursday. The event was broadcast live and on demand on the P&O Cruises YouTube channel and has been watched over 175,000 times, making it P&O Cruises biggest ever streaming event.

Presented by Sara Cox and Trevor Nelson, the event included traditional moments such as the bottle smash with the world’s largest bottle of rum as well as dazzling performances from Olly Murs and Arvia’s godmother, Nicole Scherzinger, who is also P&O Cruises new entertainment partner.

Designed to showcase the brand and change perceptions amongst a new to cruise audience, all while retaining the loyalty and goodwill of returning guests, the ceremony made history as the highest profile, most compelling and exciting event ever held for P&O Cruises.

Check out some of the highlights here…

Together with the impressive number of views, the event attracted significant press coverage with a reach of over 225 million so far, with more coverage still to come! It was also widely shared on social media by celebrities, influencers, guests and colleagues with over 500 stories and posts reaching a staggering audience following of around 32.2 million. Not forgetting extensive activity on P&O Cruises own social channels with a reach of 80 million and 14 million post engagements achieved via paid media activity… that’s a lot of eyes on the brand!

The P&O Cruises team is now maximising this opportunity to turn those eyes into guests and take another step closer to the goal of being Britain’s No. 1 holiday choice.

P&O Cruises president Paul Ludlow said:

“It was a truly historic event. It was a world first for a ship to be named in Barbados and we did it in a very spectacular way. I could not be more proud of everyone involved.”

Images: Chris Ison and James Morgan, Getty Images


Congratulations to the P&O Cruises team, ship and shore, for such an incredible event. Missed the live stream or want to watch again? Check out the whole amazing show on the P&O Cruises YouTube channel.

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