I cannot believe that it is already two weeks since Arvia’s naming event in Barbados. So many of  you, throughout the business, across so many areas, were involved in so many ways. Yet again it is evidence that when we collaborate and all pull together we can achieve our most lofty ambitions and aspirations.

We trended number two on YouTube and had over 300 million impressions (opportunities to see) – that’s quite a spectacular result. The event will drive long-term re-appraisal and consideration amongst our new to cruise audience as well as build trust with our current and future guests.

We have already seen that the ceremony and all the PR and marketing surrounding it, both delivered by us and by our partners, talent, media, travel agents and guests, has had a marked and positive impact upon our business performance in the last fortnight and we expect this to build even further as the weeks progress.


You should all feel incredibly proud. As I hope you have seen from the email from Josh we have a very bright future ahead of us and you are all integral to that success.


Paul Ludlow
President, P&O Cruises

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