We love hearing from our crew members about what you’ve all been up to. Queen Mary 2 have started the year with some brilliant activities, on board and during their shore leave. Find out more below. 

B I  N G O!
It was a full house for the first Queen Mary 2 Crew Bingo Session of 2023! Held on 5 January in the Crew Mess, over 2,400 bingo tickets were sold for the event. The evening was expertly organised by the onboard HR Team and hosted by Entertainment Officer, Laura.

It was a really enjoyable evening held in great spirits. Many crew commented how they had enjoyed themselves and how fantastic it was to be returning to a pre-pandemic way of life onboard. The winners also enjoyed their prize money too! 

A visit to Trafalgar Falls

On a recent visit to Dominica, 30 Crew Members took the opportunity for some well-deserved shore leave to go exploring the Trafalgar Falls and Ti Tou Gorge on an organised Crew Tour. 

They left the Port of Roseau and headed for the falls via the Roseau Valley – with its lush vegetation and wonderful pumice cliffs, before arriving at the Falls. After a short hike through the rainforest they arrived at the viewing point of the two falls known locally as the Mother and Father Falls.

The next stop was the Ti Tou Gorge, a favourite film site for Disney Movies featured in Pirates of the Caribbean, where they could swim in the natural plunge pool fed from hot and cold streams, the more adventurous of the group took a swim between the mountains to the gorge. A good day was enjoyed by all!

QM2 crew at the ‘Mother and Father Falls’

Got a story to share?
As always, we’d love to hear about your activities. Please email: Internal.Comms@carnivalukgroup.com with photos and further information for the chance to be featured on The Insider.

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