Sustainability across Carnival UK and the wider corporation is an integral part of who we and as a result, we have a number of initiatives underway to meet our 2030 sustainability goals. While this work continues we wanted to share what’s hot on the agenda each month from us, the Carnival Corporation and the industry  –  here are the latest headlines:   

  • We’ve embedded a sustainability segment into our Carnival UK induction. It’s part of our programme to ensure our people recognise the importance of sustainability and the role they can play in delivering our goals. 
  • Our internal sustainability communications toolkit is ready for final review by key CUK and Corporate stakeholders. It’s designed to build confidence and cohesion in our sustainability story before we look at developing our external sustainability messaging.
  • The Carnival Corporate are in the process of compiling our 2022 annual sustainability report (we’ll share this as soon as it’s available!) and are currently seeing an increase in sustainability and ESG related investor requests. 
  • Single-use items including plastic cutlery, plates and polystyrene trays will be banned in England. It’s not clear when the ban will come into effect, but at Carnival UK we’re making good progress on our Single use plastic (SUP) reduction and have already eliminated single-use plastic cutlery and plates.
  • The World Economic Forum’s Global Risks Report 2023 was published last week. Over the next two years energy, food, inflation and the overall cost of living crisis feature highly. Over the next ten years however, environmental risks dominate the list.

If you’d like to find out more about our sustainability journey take a look here or contact Dan Brown in the Sustainability team.

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