P&O Cruises has announced more themed cruises on Ventura in 2023. ‘Sail with the stars’ showcases celebrated UK personalities from a range of popular interests. Alongside our usual breadth of intriguing destinations, shore experiences and choice of high-caliber dining, guests can enjoy even more entertainment and holiday happiness, all included in the price of their holiday.

Together with ‘Sporting Icons’ and ‘Global Explorers’ cruises already announced, our guests now have the opportunity to sail with the stars of some of the UK’s favourite TV shows.

Check out the full line up…

On the TV Talent cruise on 20 May (cruise N313), guests can hear insights from behind the camera with Jay Blades of BBC’s The Repair Shop, EastEnders and Goodness Gracious Me star Nina Wadia, and actor and documentary maker Ross Kemp.

On the Sporting Icons cruise on 2 September (cruise N325), sports enthusiasts can look forward to some enlightening and thrilling entertainment with iconic sports broadcasters trio Sue Barker, Matt Dawson and Phil Tufnell.

On the Global Explorers cruise on 19 September (cruise N327), lovers of wildlife and the great outdoors can discover intriguing tales of the wilderness from far corners of the globe, with adventurer and TV presenter Ben Fogle, travel journalist Simon Calder and Monty Halls, best known for his BBC Great Escape series.

Find out more at pocruises.com/sailwiththestars and why not book using your annual discounted cruise concession? Click here for everything you need to know about our Employee Discounted Travel scheme.

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