In just a few hours, we’re welcoming guests on board our sensational new sunshine ship Arvia for her maiden voyage – a Christmas and New Year cruise filled with festive cheer and a few special surprises along the way.

This is an incredible moment for all of us at P&O Cruises and Carnival UK. For the first time Arvia will be creating unforgettable holiday happiness; delighting our guests with her stunning venues, innovative dining experiences, groundbreaking entertainment and much more.

So many of you have been involved in Arvia in so many ways. From the build, design, marketing and sales, to on board guest experience, resourcing, training, and of course her brilliant ship’s company, you should all be incredibly proud of your contribution to our newest ship.

Arvia’s maiden voyage today marks the beginning of what will be an incredible maiden season. Two weeks from now, on Friday 6 January, she’ll set sail from Southampton on her first cruise to the Caribbean, where she’ll spend a full season taking guests to exciting sun-drenched destinations. To mark this special occasion, we’ll be hosting a spectacular VIP event which will light up the sky – look out for more on that in the new year!

For now though, as Arvia prepares to welcome our guests for the very first time, I’m sure you’ll all join me in wishing her ship’s company the very best of luck. And of course, to each and every one of you I wish you and your loved ones a very happy festive season.

Photography: Chris Ison

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