As we look forward to Christmas festivities, be sure to save some bubbly for another celebration. P&O Cruises is planning the most amazing event we’ve ever held, the likes of which the world has never seen. Even better, you’re invited!

For the first time ever, we’ll hold a beachside ceremony in Barbados to mark the naming of our spectacular new sunshine ship Arvia. You can expect star-studded entertainment featuring some of Britain’s most popular performers and presenters in what promises to be an unforgettable show. And the whole show will be broadcast live online on Thursday 16 March 2023 so you can enjoy it all at home.

Watch this video from P&O Cruises president Paul Ludlow to hear more… 

More exciting details about the line-up for this historic event will be announced soon, so keep your eyes peeled for news! In the meantime, be sure to check out our Arvia Hub to discover our spectacular new sunshine ship.

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