Yesterday over 170 colleagues from P&O Cruises met for an end of year team update to reflect on achievements from 2022 and look ahead to priorities for 2023.

The update kicked off with Rob Scott, Vice President of Sales, Marketing & Brand recognising the dedication of the team, celebrating long service and new team members alike. Paul Ludlow, President of P&O Cruises then reflected on just how much the team has achieved in the last twelve months.

From completing our return to service with the full fleet sailing again and celebrating Iona’s first birthday, to impressive advertising and influencer campaigns to attract new guests and boost sales, not to mention the monumental build of our incredible new ship Arvia, there was much to be celebrated!

Paul said: “It’s hard to believe we’re almost at the end of another year. We’ve faced many challenges and headwinds, but throughout we’ve worked together to achieve so much, turning those headwinds into tailwinds of opportunity to propel us forwards.”

Together with celebrations for the P&O Cruises Q4 Culture Essential Awards winners, there was a Q&A with the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) giving colleagues the opportunity to ask the burning questions on their minds. This was followed by a breakout session giving individual teams the chance to reflect and present their personal successes, appreciation for other teams, and learnings for the year. The energy in the room was incredible and a true testament to the hard work and passion of the team in driving the business forward.

Matt Richardson, Vice President of Revenue Management and Alex Pritchard, Senior Finance Director then took the team through priorities for 2023. Looking ahead to the future, the message was clear. Whilst there will be challenges with the current economic situation and a stringent need to manage costs and profitability, there is a lot to be excited about and huge opportunity for P&O Cruises to continue to thrive.

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