On 13 November, the team on P&O Cruises Britannia organised a special cultural food event to celebrate the 44 different nationalities of our colleagues on board.

The galley team worked extremely hard to offer an international dinner for all members of the ship’s company, with Chef Trevor and his team creating delicious dishes from around the globe.

Rishi Chadha, Britannia HR Manager said:

“Food is a wonderful way to introduce individuals to different cultures and develop positive perspectives. It was a great evening to remember, and to educate ourselves, foster respect, and open-mindedness for other cultures.” 

Colleagues from Security, Youth, Back of house, Housekeeping, Food & Beverage, Hotel Operations and HR, worked together to decorate the crew restaurant with flags from all 44 countries. There was also a fantastic selection of international music playing. 

P&O Cruises President Paul Ludlow said:

“Kudos to the Galley and F&B teams, and everyone else involved, for all your hard work in making this happen. Well done team Britannia”.

Earlier in the month, the team on board Iona held a similar event. With so many new to sea crew members joining the Iona family, Chef Jason and HR Manager, Kelly Braithwaite thought it would be an excellent opportunity to celebrate the diversity of the ship’s company.

With the help of Filipino, Indian, Thai, Indonesian and Zimbabwean chefs, Jason created a delicious menu to showcase some of the many nationalities onboard. The dishes were all cooked authentically by the chefs from the respective countries. Well done team Iona!

Together we can build a more inclusive culture for everyone

One of the things that makes us a great team is that we work with people from all over the world. We come from different cultures and backgrounds, have had different experiences, and often share different views.

Whilst we all know a little about each other’s cultures, there’s always more that we can learn and do to make sure that everyone feels respected and included.

To support you with this, we’ve launched a range of learning tools and activities – find out more here.

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