We’re kicking off November with a Green Travel Roadshow event, coming to Carnival House on Tuesday 1 November. 

We’re working in collaboration with Southampton City Council to raise awareness of greener travel initiatives, incentivising the use of sustainable and active travel options available to you, whether through travelling to work, school or for leisure. 

Sustainability is one of our key strategic priorities for 2022 and an integral part of who we are.  We’re excited to host a day, which gives colleagues the opportunity to meet some of our local partners to find out more about some of these popular schemes as well as helpful tips to keep you safe as you travel.

Join us on the day…

Join us in the Atrium at Carnival House between 10:00 and 14:00 on 1 November to find out more. To help you make the most of the day take a look at our main line up below…

  • Do you have a bike in need of repair? Why not pay a visit to the Bike DR, who’ll be in the Undercroft to discuss and action all your maintenance needs. 
  • Looking for an alternative to driving to work? Let us help you find an alternative with expert travel planners from the My Journey team, who’ll be on hand to share advice on walking, cycling and using public transport.
  • Take a break to meet Beryl Bikes with Breeze and find out all about the new local bike hire scheme.
  • Join our CUK charity partner, Monty’s, who’ll be promoting initiatives available via their very own bike hub including cycle confidence schemes, LED rides and information on safer cycle routes in the local area
  • Talk with our Cycle Solutions team, who’ll be available to help colleagues with questions about benefits such as our Cycle to work scheme and support in helping you to achieve an effective work/life balance.

In the meantime, why not get up to speed with further advice on local travel options by paying a visit to My Journey Southampton website.

As a shoreside colleague at Carnival UK, you’ve access to exclusive employee benefits designed to support your wellbeing, protect your health, and contribute towards a good work life balance. Head over to the My Benefits hub for more information on all benefits available to you.

For our CCO Colleagues – If you work in CCO please register your interest to attend the event with your Line Manager.

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