Over the last few months P&O Cruises have raised a staggering £29,000 for their official charity partner, Teenage Cancer Trust.

With the reintroduction of fleet fundraising activities such as Trek the Deck, guests donations are making a real difference in contributing towards this years end of year target of £50,000, which could fund over 1,660 hours of nursing care or 200 days of care from a Teenage Cancer Trust Nurse.

Many of our guests and colleagues have been taking part across the fleet, each who’ve played a part in raising such an incredible amount of funds so far this year. 

Elaine Hutton | Copywriter, Marketing Operations said:

As part of the CUK Charity Partnership Team I had heard about P&O Cruises raising our first £600,000, since 2016, for Teenage Cancer Trust. When I saw Trek the Deck in the guest’s Horizon newsletter on our sea day returning home from the Fjords, I wanted to get involved. There was a real buzz about the event and it felt great to be doing something good to help others after such a perfect holiday. Later at the evening entertainment, we heard that £1,000 has been raised.

And it doesn’t stop there…

Anna Goddard, Senior Manager of Guest Experience Planning and Change, has been working in collaboration with Teenage Cancer Trust as their official CUK Partnership Manager since 2016. She has seen the brilliant work the charity do supporting young people with Cancer throughout this time and next month she’s set a personal challenge to continue raising additional funds via her involvement in this years London Marathon.

Can you help Anna meet her £2,000 target?

Head over to her official fundraising page here for more on how to support this fantastic cause.

About Teenage Cancer Trust

Every day, seven young people aged 13-24 hear the words “you have cancer”.  

Cancer doesn’t just devastate their health. It threatens to take away everything they care about – their identity, their independence, and their dreams. 

Teenage Cancer Trust are the only charity in the UK who specialise in providing age appropriate care and support to young people aged 13-25 facing cancer. Through their 28 hospital wards, specialised nursing staff and the work of youth support coordinators they ensure that they are there for young people, providing the very best care and support during treatment and beyond, making sure cancer doesn’t stop young people living their lives. 

If you’d like to find out more about Teenage Cancer Trust or get involved in future charity activity you can find out more here.

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