Given all the uncertainty in the world right now and the challenges that many of us are currently facing on a daily basis, planning for the future isn’t easy.

This month our main pension provider, Legal & General, will be delivering some webinars, during Pension Awareness Week, that will focus on the things you can do today to feel more positive about the future, both for you and your family and the world around us.

What’s right for you, right now may be different for everyone, so we’ve included a programme of what webinars are available for you to join at your own convenience. 

Click on the links below to find out more and sign up for free. 

Responsible investing: the basics – Wednesday 14 September @ 13:00

This webinar is for all scheme members and will focus on:

  • what responsible investing means
  • what it means for you and your savings
  • how Legal & General is taking action
  • how you can find out more

Event link: Responsible investing: the basics

Getting to grips with retirement planning – Thursday 15 September @ 15:00

This webinar is intended for members aged 45 and over and will:

  • help you to take stock of your current retirement plans
  • show you how to use – and get the most out of – our retirement planning tools
  • explain the different ways you can take your retirement savings
  • introduce our ‘Midlife MOT’ and ‘retirement planning’ Open University courses
  • highlight where you can go to get further help and advice

Event link: Getting to grips with retirement planning

 Making the most of your pension – Friday 16 September @ 11:00

This webinar is intended for all scheme members and will look at how to:

  • use our digital tools to engage with your retirement savings
  • make sure your loved ones are protected
  • focus on your financial and personal wellbeing
  • consolidate your retirement savings, if that’s suitable for you
  • boost your retirement savings

Event link: Making the most of your pension

Learn more about your benefits…

As a shoreside colleague at Carnival UK, you’ve access to exclusive employee benefits designed to support your wellbeing, protect your health, and contribute towards a good work life balance, not only that but you also have the fantastic opportunity to choose the right benefits for you. 

We’ve recently launched a new benefits page to help everyone understand everything that’s available to them. If you haven’t already, check out our new benefits page here.

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