We know that many of our colleagues have enjoyed holidays on board our beautiful Cunard ships and we’d love you to shares your images!

Share your Cunard moment!

Across the Cunard social media platforms we want to start sharing more content that’s called UGC – User Generated Content. These are images of real people having real holiday experiences! And what better way to start this library than by asking our wonderful colleagues to share their favourite Cunard photos with us! This can be anything from one of the Queens in a destination you’ve visited, your favourite meal onboard, your evening Gala outfits! Any of your standout Cunard moments we’d love to see!

Everyone who submits their photos or short video clips will go into a prize draw to win one of three bottles of Laurent Perrier Champagne – so what are you waiting for?

How can I enter?

  • Please send your favourite Cunard holiday photos to wearecunard@cunard.co.uk  before the competition closing date on 2 September.
  • Your photos may be shared on our Cunard Social channels so please only send photos that your happy for us to share. 

What are the terms and Conditions?

  • By submitting your photos you agree for them to be shared on the Cunard Social Channels. This includes Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube Community Posts.
  • If you submit a photo that includes other people you must have their permission for the photo to be shared.
  • If your photo has been used on your own social channels please also share your handle so we can tag you and credit you.
  • Winners will be selected at random and prizes will need to be collected from Carnival House.

Want to learn more? Please contact wearecunard@cunard.co.uk.

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