Our Carnival UK summer of sport fundraising event is now coming to an end – we’ve had fun with spinning classes, trophies won in our pool competition and we’ve even witnessed some of our colleagues acrobatic expertise during our aerial arts sessions.

As the activities continued throughout the week, there was just one thing on everyone’s mind; Who would be victorious in stealing the spinning champion of the year without falling off the bike!

The biggest winner of the week, however, was our CUK charity partner Monty’s, who will be receiving just over £1,000 from the fantastic programme of events organised by our very own Charity Partnership team! Thank you to everyone who came together to raise this amazing amount, you’ve all made a great difference to our partner charity, all while having fun!

Here’s some highlights from the week gone by…

Seems we have some secret talent in our midst as colleagues joined LUNA Acrobatics on 22 August to show an alternative ‘aerial’ view of the Atrium.


Pictured: Fenella Carcary & Sarah Jane Moon from Luna, Emma Stevenson and Katrina Flynn from CUK Charity Partnership Team, Morgan Edwards (Guest Experience) and Howard Gunstock (Talent).

On 23 August we found our CUK 2022 Pool Champion – Congratulations goes to Dean Provis!

Dean (Superintendent, Nautical & Marine Safety) met Richard Putterford (Analyst, Sales Support & Systems) on midday on Tuesday to win one game each before becoming the overall pool champion in the deciding game.

The Atrium table saw a lot of play and games went well with some enjoying the chance to meet others across the business.

Facilities coordinator, Sam Taylor said:

“I really enjoyed playing against some people I would normally have no reason to talk to. The tournament has been good for meeting colleagues – and raising money”.

24 August saw a number of hopefuls ‘wheelie’ get into the charity Spinathon competition

It was a tight call with overall winner, Mark Price, Youth Operations manager, taking first place having cycled the furthest distance and securing tickets to local theme park, Paultons Park.

Colleagues were adamant to not drop the ball in our final Carnival House event on 25 August

Our golden boot football stars and dazzling dartists did not disappoint at today’s giant inflatable games day. Raising over £150 at our final event of the week was certainly a massive boost in helping to achieve the final fundraising goal!

Thanks to everyone who took part. Keep an eye out on our charity partner hub for details of the Charity Partnership Team’s Autumn fund-raising fun in the Atrium.




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