Back in February we went out with a request for volunteers to form a new Carnival UK charity partnership team and the response we had was phenomenal.

One month on we’re pleased to confirm seven successful applicants who will take a lead on our 2022 partnership. Let’s meet them…

Tariq Poonwassie, Contact Centre


“I’m primarily part of the Sales Team at Carnival UK. Helping to create a positive impact is something I relish, and I can’t wait to get started!”


Sam Cox, Guest Experience

“My name is Sam and I work within P&O Cruises Guest Experience, managing the Response and Recovery team. I have worked at Carnival UK for 15 years within a variety of departments so have had the pleasure to see the previous charities we have supported and fundraised for both on ship and shore. I’m really excited about being part of the charity partnership team and being able to put forward new ideas and channel lots of energy into new fundraising initiatives, bringing everyone together to showcase the Carnival UK community spirit that we are all so proud to be part of”. 

Elaine Hutton, Marketing

“Originally from Scotland, I settled on the south coast where I love working and raising my family of three. As a writer, I look forward to helping the Charity Partnership Team communicate the needs of every good cause we support, to raise awareness and inspire active involvement. Our work will improve the opportunities, experiences and lives of charities local to the Hampshire area we call home”.

Omotunde Haynes, Maritime

“I’ve been with Carnival UK for over five years and am currently working within the Maritime Continuous Improvement Department as an OCS & Data specialist. I’m really excited to be joining the charity partnership team and am looking forward to working with lots of new faces around the business”.


Sarah Earing, Sustainability, Procurement and Supply Chain

“I work with teams across our brands, to help support the development of more sustainable procurement practises. This includes thinking about our role as a responsible business, and how we build stronger community relationships. I’m therefore looking forward to finding out which charity is voted for this year, and being part of the team, to see how we can support both our local community and our community at Carnival UK. I hope that we can help provide some worthwhile volunteering opportunities, and deliver some exciting initiatives, to enable everyone to come together and support the cause!”

Matthew Richardson, Revenue Management & Deployment

Matt joined Carnival UK in 2002, starting in the contact centre and then moving into the Cunard commercial team. Starting as an international markets analyst, Matt took on more responsibility across the team and discovered a passion for revenue management. During his 20 years with Carnival UK Matt has managed the majority of functions across commercial and revenue management for both P&O Cruises and Cunard. Matt now has overall responsibility for P&O Cruises revenue management and deployment function. He is married with two children and lives in Hampshire.

Emma Stevenson, ABG Technical & Corporate Shipbuilding

Emma joined Carnival Corporate Shipbuilding in strategic sourcing towards the end of 2019, just before the global pandemic begun. Much of Emma’s experience within Carnival so far has been limited by the pandemic and she is therefore thrilled to be a part of the Charity Partnership Team which provides an opportunity to interact across all of Carnival UK, to support such fantastic causes and to get involved in some fun events too!

Jenna Whorton, Shared Services, Procurement

Jenna started working for Carnival UK in 2018 and currently works in the Shared Services department within the procurement team looking after Marketing, Brand and Entertainment. Jenna is really excited to be part of the charity partnership team and is especially looking forward to helping deliver fun ideas and activities in Carnival House to support fundraising for a great charity.

We received more than 20 applications from local charities wanting to become our next charity partner. During the coming weeks the charity partnership team, in collaboration with the core charity committee team, will complete a process of shortlisting and pitches before the final successful two charities go to an all-colleague vote in April.


If you see any of our new charity partnership team members at Carnival House or on Teams be sure to join us in congratulating them. Equally, if you have any questions do reach out.

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