To empower and boost employee engagement with all our CUK charity partnerships, we’re inviting you to keep up-to-date with all the latest news, fundraising events and volunteer opportunities on our brand new Charity Partnership Hub.

We’ll be adding more exciting news and events over the coming months too, so be sure to add a bookmark to stay up-to-date.

Click here to visit the hub and have a look around >


Carnival House pool tournament

Don’t forget, if you fancy yourself as a bit of a Pool shark, or fancy a bit of fun, why don’t you help raise money for our CUK charity, Monty’s Community Hub, by taking part in our Summer knock-out tournament? We have 16 players already signed up but if you’re interested please email Elaine Hutton before 1 August. Here’s Eleanor O’Donnell and Heaven White from the P&O Cruises Creative team having a few games this week for practice…


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