Organised by the International Maritime Organisation (IMO), Day of The Seafarer (DotS) takes place on 25 June and is a chance for us, as well as the rest of the maritime industry, to celebrate our colleagues at sea.

This year DotS is recognising that every seafarer’s journey is different, but all face similar challenges. The theme is therefore ‘Your voyage – then and now, share your journey’, looking at seafarer voyages, what they include and how they’ve evolved over time, as well as what remains at the heart of seafarers’ reality.

If you’re on board, or used to work on board, and would like to take part in this year’s campaign, simply post two photos on Instagram – one of your first voyage and another of your latest or most recent voyage, and share what’s changed. Please use #SeafarerJourney and tag @CarnivalUKComms in your posts. 


To thank our amazing seafarers on our ships, Sture has recorded the video message below: 


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