P&O Cruises new television advert ‘Old Friends, New Places’ premieres Wednesday June 1, 2022 across national broadcasting channels. The 30 second ad was filmed in Spain and features two real-life friends reconnecting through a series of shared holiday experiences.

This is the third in the series of the P&O Cruises print and multi-channel ad campaign, “Holidays as varied as you”. As explored in the first two ads, the themes covered in ‘Old Friends, New Places’ include the opportunity to create new and lasting memories with friends through the variety of experiences which can only be found on a P&O Cruises holiday, and champions what “Holidays as varied as you” is all about. The new ad was developed in conjunction with creative agency Snap and production company Somesuch.

Here’s a sneak preview for you…

For the campaign series of television ads, P&O Cruises cast real life relationships including father and daughter, best friends, and a married couple, and have involved them throughout the production and creative process as well as the overall narrative. In this way, the ads tell genuinely life-affirming and heartfelt stories which we hope will encourage newcomers to consider a P&O Cruises holiday.

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