We’ve reintroduced our quarterly Fleet video updates – the first for P&O Cruises since before the Covid-19 pandemic started. To begin with these will be solely from our Brand presidents, and as things start to return to normal on board, we’ll be back once more filming our crew again.

Paul Ludlow covered various topics including:

  • Our full fleet’s triumphant return to service
  • The effect of Ukraine
  • Changes in protocols on board
  • The investment in crew connectivity
  • Our focus on encouraging people to Speak Up across ships
  • Awarding those who SHINE the brightest
  • Some exciting Arvia milestones

But don’t just take our word for it, watch it yourself here:

We’d love to hear your feedback on the latest update video – if you have any thoughts, suggestions or ideas for future videos let us know in the comments below.

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