Today we’re publishing our 2022 Gender Pay Gap Report, which captures Carnival UK’s gender pay gap as of April 2021. Access the full report here.

What is the Gender Pay Gap?

The gender pay gap measures the difference in pay of all men and all women across our business. This is calculated by comparing the average (mean) and mid-point (median) pay for each gender. A gender pay gap suggests that a greater proportion of one gender in an organisation are in positions that command higher pay, when compared to another. To remove the gap, we need greater gender balance across the organisation.

Gender pay is different to equal pay. Equal pay is when there is no difference in pay between men and women who carry out the same or similar jobs. Our compensation is informed by an external job evaluation methodology, salary benchmarking and associated guidelines, to guide objective gender-neutral decision-making around pay.

We recognise that the current gender pay gap legislation does not consider individuals who identify as non-binary. However, as an inclusive employer we strive for inclusion and fairness regardless of how individuals identify.

Why does gender pay gap reporting exist?

The UK Government introduced mandatory gender pay gap reporting for companies with more than 250 employees, to ensure they focus on working to resolve any pay gap issues.

We support full transparency on this important issue, as it helps to create awareness of the gender balance challenge across the organisation, informing areas of focus, (such as resourcing, talent management and progression), and assessing the impact of the positive action taken. We also know that having a better gender balance is critical to us creating a more inclusive culture and supports our organisational vision:

We are committed to a positive and just corporate culture, based on inclusion and the power of diversity.

So how do we fare at Carnival UK?

Reporting began in 2017 and since then our mean gender pay gap has reduced by 8%, but our median gender pay gap has remained static so there is still much more to be done. 

To remove the gap, we need to continue increasing the number of women elevated into senior roles, but we also need to address gender representation in areas of our business. For example, males are underrepresented in our contact centre and females are underrepresented in maritime, engineering, and technical disciplines.

We believe these patterns of under representation are seen across the industry too so we need to consider societal as well as organisational impacts on recruitment and progression and take positive action to support more balanced recruitment.

As well as reporting on our gender pay gap, we report on the gap relating to bonus payments. Our gender bonus gaps saw a significant reduction 2 years ago but have since remained fairly static. Our mean bonus gap is 70% and the medium is 47%.

Closing the gap

Due to our operational pause throughout 2020 and early 2021, we were unable to complete an annual pay review. We normally use this opportunity to address inequities across the business, therefore the recent good work into closing our pay gap has stalled as a result. Now that our ships are returning to service, we’ll be reinstating our previous pay review approach.

There are multiple projects and commitments developing over the coming year to drive change around the factors stalling our progression to closing the gap, and they’re shared within the report.

For the fleet, at the snapshot date (April 2021), we did not meet the eligible number of employees for required reporting and due to the reporting parameters, we do not see that the data is particularly robust/indicative. However, for openness and consistency with previous years, we have opted to create a shortened report capturing what the data shows but more importantly, what we’re committing to do to move towards greater gender balance.

Access the full report here.

Over the coming weeks and months we’ll be inviting colleagues to continue the conversation on closing the gap by holding workshops. More information on ways to join the conversation will be shared in the coming weeks.

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