P&O Cruises has partnered with Aardman, creators of Wallace & Gromit and Shaun the Sheep, to create a host of immersive and exciting experiences for all the family on board Iona.

Guests can enjoy a truly grand day out at a film premiere in the cinema, try their hand at making their own clay characters or have photos taken with the eccentric inventor, Wallace, and his loyal friend, Gromit, at special appearances. And there’ll be cheesy grins all round in The Reef as children join in a dance class or craft workshop such as making their own Gromit ears or Shaun the Sheep masks.

And there’s more to come! Watch this space for more exciting Aardman events news coming soon.

Fancy meeting Wallace & Gromit and Shaun the Sheep?
Check out our Discounted Travel page and enjoy some unforgettable holiday happiness on board Iona.

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