At the DMA Awards held on Tuesday 7 December the Cunard CRM team and Armadillo won the Gold Award in the Travel and Leisure category for their 2022 Launch Direct Mail piece, which mailed in November 2020.

Dave Jones, Director, Marketing said “We’re delighted to be recognised for excellence in our guest communications, and this award reflects our efforts to continually innovate and improve the quality of communications that we send to our loyal customer base.”

This luxury invitation style mailing was sent to the Cunard database to support the first itineraries launch since the pandemic had hit. As such, cut through and standout were called for at a time when many other travel companies were also starting to resume their communications to customers. The goal was to grant guests the permission to daydream once more, safe if the knowledge that Cunard had their hopes and fears covered.





This piece played a significant role in the successful launch of Cunard’s 2022 summer programme. To read the full submission click here.

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