Recognising and rewarding our colleagues is so important – it helps our people feel motivated and valued, creating a positive place to work. P&O Cruises SHINE Awards recognise and reward our colleagues who deliver exceptional service to our guests, as well as those who demonstrate excellent examples of supporting our Culture Essentials.

We caught up with Iona, Britannia, Azura and Arcadia to discover their recent shining stars…

Andy Jones, Assistant Entertainment Manager, Iona

Nominated by an impressive ten guests, Andy is “so funny and entertaining and always made us laugh, even making the COVID restrictions bearable.”  

Adaptable to any situation “Andy also took the religious service on Sunday where he adopted a very serious manner and conducted the service to a very high standard, for which he needs to be congratulated. We were so thankful for the way Andy led the worship – a wonderful member of staff and a real credit to the Iona team.”


Iona’s team of the month – Entertainment

“In the face of many challenges, the team delivered a fantastic entertainment package that impressed and delighted our guests. We have received incredible feedback from guests about how happy they were with the entertainment – a huge credit to the hard work and professionalism of the team.”


Brian Santos, IT Technician, Britannia

“An absolute shining star, Brian has been exceptionally helpful and outstanding since our return to service. He is always helpful, supportive and gives 100% to solve all our IT related issues, in turn ensuring we can deliver exceptional service to our guests. A credit to the organisation, he always has a smile and nothing is too much for him.” 


Britannia’s team of the month – Reception

“During August we have seen our guest numbers double and considerable extra pressure put on the reception team. Despite this, the team has continued to perform exceptionally well, coming to work every day with a sense of energy and always showing heartfelt warmth to our guests. Their tirelessness helps them to navigate our Cruise with Confidence protocols and the MyHoliday portal, and are a huge part of our NPS success.”

Grishma Kapadia, Administrator, Housekeeping, Britannia

“Grishma amazed the Bridge Team by speaking up and emailing to challenge why the Bridge has missed sending a RAAS (Risk Advisory & Assurance Service) audit countdown email. It’s great to know that the ship’s company await these emails to prepare for upcoming audits, and Grishma’s challenge to the Bridge Team prompted them to send out a preparation email. This benefitted the whole ship, increasing knowledge and showing our commitment to compliance.”      


Qaisar Khan, Deck Team, Azura

“With no seamstress onboard during our operational pause, Qaisar has been going the extra mile to respect and protect colleagues by fitting and altering uniforms for newly joined crew members in his own time. He also helps to prepare traditional food for crew on Fridays, helping us feel at home.”

Nominated by an impressive by 20 colleagues, “Qaisar is an extraordinary person who works hard and is always helping others with a smile on his face.”


Michael Torreliza, Security, Iona

“Respecting and protecting our guests and crew, Michael reprogrammed our 2596 guest cabin safes to secure the system. He problem-solved and communicated with others and deserves recognition for this achievement, being a HESS hero and supporting our Culture Essentials.”


Roderic (Rod) Cunanan Rivera, Waste Operative, Technical Team , Arcadia

“Rod demonstrated Respect & Protect by undertaking extra work outside his normal working hours, to discharge food waste safely ahead of arriving in Southampton and ensuring minimum waste was landed shoreside. He is very proactive, enthusiastic and always goes beyond expectations.”

Congratulations to all of our fantastic winners and thank you for all your hard work. We’ll be showcasing more of our shining stars from across the fleet over the coming weeks, so keep a look out.

Remember to recognise your colleagues!

Know someone who’s demonstrated an outstanding example of bringing our Culture Essentials to life, or delivered exceptional service for our guests? Show them some appreciation and nominate them for an award…

  • Fleet colleagues: Complete a nomination card and pop it in the nomination box on board. All ships can nominate for Culture Essentials now and ships with guests on board can also nominate for P&O Cruises SHINE and Cunard White Star Service.


Don’t forget both fleet and shoreside colleagues can nominate each other too!

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  1. Totally agree with regards to Andy Jones, he certainly got us all laughing when supervising the safe leaving of the theatre was the highlight of the evening. But one night he really surprised us all by singing a duet with the headline act Dean, wow what a voice!

  2. Congratulations to all the winners but special big shout out to Emma and all the Ents team and of course Andy! Well done Ents family …. That’s the triple done ship and shore ! #EntsFamily

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