To support our guests in navigating our new travel information and protocols, P&O Cruises Food Hero Olly Smith has hosted a series of short videos to help those joining us on holiday.

Covering everything from vaccination guidance and cruise protocols, to our My P&O Cruises online booking manager and My Holiday pocket planner, we’re certain Olly’s enthusiastic personality and familiar face will not only be informative, but also reassuring for those who are unsure what they need to do.

The step-by-step approach and straightforward language used in the videos should also help to alleviate any perceived complexity about our holidays, and reduce many of the questions coming into our contact centre and on social media. We want these videos to help reassure our guests that we’re here to take care of them and ensure they have a happy and stress-free holiday.

Take a look at Olly’s videos here and let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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