From today, bookable meeting rooms are back at Carnival House.

To make it easier to plan, meet and collaborate, we can now book a meeting room in advance in the same way we book a desk, ie: via Condeco. To find out how to do this click here.

To read up on guidance for meeting room use visit the office working page and search ‘meeting’.

As a result of meeting rooms becoming available again, collaboration spaces have been removed.

Please note meeting rooms shouldn’t be booked via lotus notes. Booking made via this platform will  not be valid.

In addition to meeting rooms becoming available you’ll also notice a few other changes from today …

  • More choice of desks. So we can manage office capacity and monitor which desks need to be cleaned each day we’ll continue to use Condeco to book desks. Instead of just being able to book in our neighbourhoods, or spaces nearby, though we can now book a desk anywhere in Carnival House. This will help us co-locate and collaborate with others more easily and help larger teams book whole sections to work from together. 
  • Speedier arrivals. There’s now no need for us to show our desk booking on arrival to the office. While we’ll all need to continue to book a desk, self-certify and check-in to help protect all colleagues, we don’t need to show proof of any of these things when entering the office. 
  • Full catering range from the Atrium Cafe. The Atrium Cafe offering has been ramped up and dining furniture reintroduced so we can meet and eat downstairs. There’s a few less seats currently to give each other space, but as with everything else capacity will grow over time. 
  • Removal of the one way system. While carpet arrow tiles will remain for some time, there is now no need to follow one way signage around the office. This change has been introduced to make movement around the office easier so that we can all collaborate and connect when using Carnival House.

If you’d like to find out more about working from Carnival House take a look at our FAQ’s on the office working pages.

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