Similar to our shoreside Culture Essentials Awards, our fleet colleagues can show their appreciation and recognise colleagues who have shown exceptional examples of supporting our Culture Essentials.

We caught up with P&O Cruises Arcadia, Ventura and Azura to discover their recent Culture Essentials SHINE Awards winners…

Stanford Raymond Faria Coutinho – Crew Services Manager, Arcadia

“During our Risk Advisory and Assurance Service (RAAS) audit, the auditors gave feedback that the compliance of the Crew Office was outstanding. A special mention was given to Stanford for being a HESS Hero and respecting and protecting our policies and procedures. Thank you and well done Stanford”


Zulfiqar Awan – Deck Team, Ventura

“Zulfi empowers his team every day. He leads from the front, working extremely hard to ensure we complete all projects on time – from the top of the ship, to the bottom, nothing is beyond him.

We have achieved so much thanks to his endless energy and ability to empower, organise and drive his team forward. Thank you Zulfi and deck team for all your hard work!”

Isabelo Ingal – Technical Team, Azura

“Isabelo stepped up when the department was undermanned, respecting and protecting his colleagues to cover the role of Third Engine Officer (3EO) and motorman on watch. He is always smiling and helpful and deserves to be recognised.”



Congratulations Stanford, Zulfiqar and Isabelo! Thank you for all your hard work. We’ll be showcasing more of our shining stars from across the P&O Cruises and Cunard fleet over the coming weeks, so keep a look out.

Remember to recognise your colleagues!

Know someone who has demonstrated an outstanding example of bringing our Culture Essentials to life? Show them some appreciation and nominate them for an award…


Don’t forget both fleet and shoreside colleagues can nominate each other too!

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