The results are in and our Q3 Culture Essentials Awards winners have been decided! Our awards celebrate and recognise colleagues who support our Culture Essentials by showcasing our behavioural expectations. These behaviours are critical in helping us to achieve our ideal culture, be the great company we aspire to be, and to create unforgettable holiday happiness for our guests.

We’re extremely proud of how many of you have been bringing our Culture Essentials to life. Thank you for all your nominations and congratulations to our winners…

Our overall winners

Overall individual joint winner: Vicky Burns, Acting Digital Content Manager, Cunard
Speak Up, Respect & Protect, Improve, Communicate, Empower

Recognised by her colleagues for living and breathing our Culture Essentials, “Vicky stepped in as Acting Digital Content Manager on short notice and has made a brilliant job of it. She always makes it a priority to speak up and empower the team, helping us to develop ourselves and support our career goals, as well as providing innovative solutions to benefit the business.”

“A constant source of support, she is always willing to listen and help with any problem and is a truly excellent manager who really cares and always respects and protects her team.”

Overall individual joint winner: Emma Hawkins, CCO Team Leader, Shared Services
Improve, Communicate, Listen & Learn, Empower

Recognised by her colleagues for her outstanding contribution to the Contact Centre, “it’s hard to express the value Emma has added as there have been so many things that she has done to benefit individuals, the department and the brands.” Emma was nominated for so many brilliant examples of living our Culture Essentials, here are just a couple:

“We have recruited internally only for our Team Leader positions and transitioning from a Personal Cruise Advisor to a Team Leader can be a very daunting task, however Emma stepped up to support our new recruits by asking to become their mentor. She has guided, coached, trained and empowered them to have the confidence to make the right decisions and support their teams in the best possible way. She also worked with Employee Relations and Learning & Development to create a Team Leader development workshop programme to help others develop and become Team Leaders in the future. The feedback so far from attendees on the workshops has been incredibly positive and I’m so proud of Emma for making this happen.”

Overall team: Entertainments Family, P&O Cruises
Speak Up, Respect & Protect, Improve, Communicate

Recognised for delivering an incredible launch for Iona, “the Entertainments Family, including many teams and individuals from both brands, faced unprecedented challenges, but at no point did anyone lose focus on the goal to deliver extraordinary holidays to our guests.”

“Regardless of team or brand, everyone worked together to step up and get the job done and there were countless examples of our Culture Essentials being brought to life. From speaking up to resolve concerns, to communicating changes so we could all move forward together, everyone went above and beyond. We had team members driving parts and props to the ship over weekends, last minute travel on board, long hours of rehearsals and we even asked partners at home to bring emergency deliveries to the docks!

It’s due to this team of people that we managed to deliver the Shakedown we did and go into the Maiden Cruise with a positive step forward. It’s incredibly easy for us to ask the team to deliver our vision… but they are the ones that took a challenging situation and improved it, with no complaints.”

Our individual departmental winners

Our team departmental winners

Congratulations and thank you again to all our winners. In recognition of all their hard work and dedication they’ll receive WOW points to spend on something they love to celebrate! 

Nominations are always open for our Culture Essentials Awards – when they close for one quarter, they open for the next! 

Save this page as a bookmark so you can make a nomination straight after you see someone bringing our Culture Essentials to life. You’ll also find the nominations page on the Insider homepage: Shore>Culture Essentials Awards – Nominate now!

Remember, you can also drop your colleagues an e-card to say thank you at any time!

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