Recently a small number of COVID-19 cases were detected amongst colleagues joining Queen Elizabeth. Working with Southampton Port Health we have taken steps to successfully contain the situation.

This included limiting new colleagues joining Queen Elizabeth. As a result, we aren’t able to complete our final essential return to service preparations, or deliver our comprehensive training schedule to her full ship’s company ahead of our first scheduled sailing.

This means that, sadly, we are delaying Queen Elizabeth’s return to service until 13 August 2021, and cancelling the voyages prior to this date (Q119P, Q119Q, Q120P, Q120Q, Q121P). We are also postponing the Operational Test Cruise, due to take place 13-14 July, until 10-11 August.

We know how hard everyone has been working to deliver Cunard’s return to service and, for Cunard colleagues in particular, how disappointing this news will be. But we will not sail until everyone is trained and confident in our new processes and procedures, and we are ready to create unforgettable holiday happiness through the White Star Service that Cunard colleagues so proudly deliver.

If you have a concession booking which will be affected by these voyage cancellations, you will automatically receive a refund within the next few weeks via the same method you originally paid with – you don’t need to fill out a refund form.

Registration for the new Operational Test Cruise is open from 9 to 16 July. You’ll find the link in the Weekly Update email dated 9 July.

Since March 2020 our priority has been to work with public health, medical and scientific experts as well as industry bodies and various Government departments to put in place an approved framework of protocols to protect the health and wellbeing of our colleagues, Guests and the communities we visit, both during our pause in operations and once we begin sailing.

These protocols, of which we are very proud, have proven to be very effective and we had no cases of COVID-19 in over 5,000 fleet colleagues until the small number identified recently. Through our elevated COVID-19 response plan and the agility of teams on board and ashore, we successfully contained the situation – thank you all for everything you’re doing to respect and protect each other.

All colleague/contractor ship visits have been paused for Queen Elizabeth. If you have a business critical requirement to be on board please contact the ARC team on

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