P&O Cruises is thrilled to announce that Aurora will be returning to service early next year, setting sail for paradise and once again creating unforgettable holiday happiness for our Guests.

Daydreaming of sky-blue waters, white sandy beaches and tropical islands?

Aurora will return in style on 20 February 2022 with a 40 night cruise to the Caribbean. This roundtrip from Southampton will take our Guests to 13 different Caribbean islands, including Antigua, St Lucia, Barbados and Aruba, before returning home via the Canaries.

Then on 1 April 2022, she’ll head off for a 12 night Portugal and Canary Islands cruise...

Treating our Guests to dramatic landscapes, breathtaking beaches and many picturesque villages to explore, Aurora will cruise the islands of La Palma, Tenerife, Gran Canaria and Lanzarote, before returning to Southampton via Lisbon.

Bookings now live! Find out more at pocruises.com

Will you choose to cruise on Aurora in 2022? Find out more about our Employee Discounted Travel scheme here.


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