Throughout this pandemic there have been so many acts of kindness and people going out of their way to help others and our colleagues are no exception. Here’s what one of our Officers, currently on furlough, has been doing to help out.

My name’s Richard Kershaw and I’m one of the Fleet Safety Trainers. I, along with my fellow Officers John Cartlidge (SECO) and Mark Beaumont (FSTM), have been volunteering for the past two months here in Plymouth and have been part of an amazing team of people.

My wife is part of the leadership team for the Plymouth Pavilions Vaccine Centre. I’m on furlough and wanted to get involved in some way, so offered my/our experience with Crowd and Crisis Management as part of the Marshal Team. Likewise, I knew Mark and John were also Plymouth based and asked them to get involved as well. Between the three of us, we control who comes into the centre and when, looking after the ‘patients’ as they arrive.

We continue to be involved, in fact, all three are busy again this week. We’re averaging 2,400 vaccines each day and to date have helped vaccinate in excess of 25,000 here in Plymouth, from 17 GP Practices. We started in December and are on track to complete the first seven cohorts by the end of March. We have a further clinic on Thursday for the homeless and continue next week with further cohorts.

The three of us are immensely proud that whilst we’re on leave and furlough to be able to help the rapid roll out here in the South West and of course representing CUK at the same time.

Amazing work Richard, John and Mark! 

If you’d like to share any similar stories please let us know by emailing

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1 Comment

  1. Well done chaps! I’m around the corner at the mass vaccination centre at Plymouth Argyle doing the same. I can’t believe how far we have come since starting, it’s great that we have been able to get involved, ‘jab satisfaction’ indeed!

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