Many of our hardworking Maritime colleagues on board Queen Victoria are enjoying their down time by looking after their health and fitness. During the operational pause the
Guest Gym, with a range of cardio machines and weights as well as space for classes, is open to our Crew and Officers and allows for multiple people to work out at the same time while also adhering to the social distancing rules.

And it turns out we have quite a few fitness fanatics onboard!

The Gym

Rodrigo, Able Seaman, has a strict workout schedule of weight training and running four times a week with three days of rest. He uses the Guest Gym for his weights and enjoys the Promenade Deck for running.  Rodigro finds exercise a great way to keep fit and focused.  

Some of the Deck and Technical teams work exercise into their daily routine around their times of work like Davor, 2nd Elec-Tech Officer, who goes to the Gym every day at midday. He prefers this time to break up his day and it allows him to rest in the evening or socialise with his friends. 

Robert, 1st Elec-Tech Officer, exercises six out of seven days a week – always in the evening. Although he never exercises at home, Robert finds when he’s onboard it helps him wind down and keep occupied out of working hours. You’ll normally find Rob in the Gym after dinner where he’s doing both weights and cardio using the machines.

Jordan, 2nd Engineer has always been into fitness and eating healthy and makes sure he gets to the Gym most days. He works his exercise around his watch keeping times but always ensures he goes regardless of what else is happening on onboard.



Marine Supervisor, Joseph, runs a regular Sunday Spin class for his team. The class has been growing week by week and now his team attends in rotation as there aren’t enough spin bikes for them to all join the class! Joseph leads the class while live streaming to family and friends who can also join in at home.

Captain Hoyt, Chief Ib, and Kyle, 3rd Engineer, follow a spin exercise app to get moving twice a week. Although this group is still new, Anna, HR Manager who organises the classes, hopes to get a few more bike enthusiasts to join in the coming weeks.

Promenade Deck

While having the Guest gym is great, some of the ship’s company take the opportunity when the weather is nice to get out on to Promenade Deck or Deck 10 to stretch their legs and get their steps up.  

Michael, 1st Engineer, and Paul, Technical Stores Manager, enjoy a daily walk after lunch while Chief Ib is doing close to 5K.

Table Tennis

The Queen Victoria basketball area is having a face lift and everyone on board is hoping to use it again soon as it’s a guarantee for lots of exercise and competitive fun. One activity that definitely gets the heart racing is the Table Tennis Tournaments which are held twice a month. The energy is high and the excitement intense! Here you see the final between Sasa, Chief Electrical Officer, Davor, 2nd Electrical Officer,  Jonathan, Ordinary Seaman, and Neil, Wiper.

As you can tell Team Queen Victoria knows many ways to keep fit and active and the Seafarer’s Welfare Committee is always looking at what can be done to further improve the health and wellbeing of all on board.

So, keep an eye out on The Insider or wearecunard on Instagram in the coming weeks as we hopefully share the renovation of the Basketball area and the tournaments which will be held there.

Next week: 5 Questions answered from Queen Mary 2

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