This week Captain Wells and Jason, Wiper answer five questions from HR Manager Amanda who met with them on the Promenade Deck of Queen Mary 2.

Most positive experience during lay-up?

CW: The feeling of ‘family’ we’ve generated in our communal area in the Carinthia lounge – I feel much closer to the crew members and see so many more of them each day.

JP: The food – the quality has been great and Chef Reggie and his team have done a great job.

Favourite port visited with Queen Mary 2 or other ship?

CW:  Sydney, Australia. The reception of the three Queens by the people of Australia has always been marvellous. I particularly remember sailing out on Queen Elizabeth 2 when hundreds of small boats were alongside us. I also love that the port is right in the middle of the city.

JP: Surigao City, Philippines where there is clean, clear water, lots of fish and a good environment, as well as a pretty harbour (Jason worked on ferries before joining Cunard).

What do you like to do outside your working hours on board?

CW:  Walk around the Promenade Deck and talk to people. I also like to talk to family on Whatsapp or video calls.

JP: Internet and communicating with home, with family and friends.

What advice would you give the other person or do you have a life motto (and why)?

CW: Don’t take things too seriously; have a positive outlook and look to the future knowing things will get better. Enjoy life. I love being on a ship but if you don’t enjoy what you do, go and find something else.

JP: Always focus on work and keep learning more.

What will you be doing in five years?

CW: I will be retired but I hope to do some gentle sailing on a boat I have bought for my retirement and hopefully we’ll also do a bit of travelling.

JP: I hope to be still working on board and progress to become an Engineer.

Did you know? Jason is currently the youngest crew member on board Queen Mary 2 and his father works in the Technical Department on Queen Victoria which can be seen in the background in the photo!

Next week Chief Engineer Colin on Queen Elizabeth will give us an update on what work is going on to get the ship ready for return to service.

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