This month 15 of our colleague’s ship and shore are taking part in The Prince’s Trust Future Steps Challenge. We caught up with some of our Learning and Development team members – Andi Reeves, Michelle Harradence and Carlene Proud, who’ve all been taking on the challenge. Here’s how they’ve been getting on.

I’m loving taking part in this year’s Future Steps challenge with some of my lovely colleagues. It’s been a great challenge particularly during lock-down and has helped keep me active and moving around. It has also raised my awareness of how little I was walking before. 10,000 steps isn’t easy, when it’s raining and freezing so it’s challenged me to get creative by dancing whilst cooking dinner and having walking/talking meetings and check-ins. It has also been fun to take part as a team, so we can encourage and motivate each other along the way. Andi Reeves








I’ve been walking everyday during the last lockdown, so when I was ‘volunteered’ to do the Future steps challenge I thought ‘why not, can’t be too hard to up my step count’. 10,000 steps a day is a lot when you are restricted to how many times you can leave your house during a lockdown! I’ve been running up and down stairs, pacing round the living room and enjoying long walks. I’ve also incorporated walk and talk catch ups with colleagues. To keep me motivated I’ve been posting daily on Instagram of the beautiful views from my walks in Somerset. We’ve smashed our fundraising target and I am proud to part of the Learning Future Steps Team. Michelle Harradance

All I’m going to say is, trying to walk 10,000 steps a day when your walking partner insists on sniffing every single bit of shrubbery and is also fond of the occasional pit stop whilst watching squirrels, is harder than I thought it would be! Having said that, I’ve enjoyed it none-the-less and I’d like to think it’s burning off all those extra biscuits I keep eating too. Carlene Proud

Well done to everyone taking part in this years Future Steps Challenge.

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