Throughout 2020 you’ve been nominating colleagues when you’ve seen them doing the ordinary extraordinarily well. You’ve been calling them out for living and breathing our Core Values, and more recently,  you’ve noticed when they’ve brought our Culture Essentials to life. 

This year there are three winners* to choose from, with our Q1 and Q3 winners being recognised for their demonstration of our Carnival UK Core Values, and our Q4 winner being nominated on the basis of our new Culture Essentials.

Although different, both Culture Essentials and Core Values represent us when we’re at our best.  When you’re casting your vote for the 2020 winner, think about the nomination that reflects how you’d most like to see us going about our work here at Carnival UK. 

How do I vote?

After reading the nominations below, VOTE HERE. 

You can only vote once so please make sure you know who you want to vote for and place your vote carefully.

What happens next?
The vote will close at 17:00 on Friday 22 January and the winner will be announced in February!

Who gets your vote? 

You can choose one of our quarterly winners* to not only be recognised as the 2020 Values Award Winner, but to win their own piece of holiday happiness – a cruise of up to 14 nights for themselves and a guest (which we’re hoping they’ll be able to enjoy sooner rather than later!)

Here’s a reminder of our quarterly winners and the reasons they were nominated for a Values Award:

Joe Bamforth,Claims Executive, Finance & Legal

Joe has shown massive dedication by being part of the Coronavirus Working Group and working incredibly hard in the process. Joe has represented Legal in 3 EROs in 2020 so far, something which is outside of his normal role and remained relentless in his support, never once complaining about the extra effort needed. He went above and beyond to get involved in decisions and supporting colleagues.

He has been an integral part of the team helping to plan our response to this ever evolving situation combining technical knowledge and commercial awareness with care for our guests. Joe has had some particularly difficult conversations with guests and their families that are no longer able to travel due to local port restrictions on Chinese nationals. He has received incredible feedback from the daughter of two guests he helped get back to the US in difficult circumstances due to the virus.

Joe’s ongoing dedication to the Coronavirus incident has seen him put in significant effort to not only ensure a good outcome for affected guests but also raising compliance and security concerns such as data protection before collaborating internally and with third parties.

Ali Greenaway, Employee Relations Manger, People Team

During the collective consultation Ali was extremely busy, with some incredibly tight deadlines, but she continually went out of her way to make sure everybody was happy and felt supported. She has demonstrated both “Better Together” in her support to others and “Heroes of safe and well” through her support for those team members mental health during these difficult times with simply answering questions and continually checking and pausing the conversations in meetings.

Her knowledge is second to none and the way she handles herself when challenges come her way is inspiring. She is the person that our mini furlough team will go to and always has time and answers our queries. She is always happy and bubbly and it is infectious! She is an amazing asset to the People Team!

Kathryn Ramsdale, Director Health Services, Medical

Kathryn has been a truly supportive leader throughout the year. She has effectively deployed team members and empowered them to give their best. There is now a daily virtual medical services drop in clinic that allows colleagues to challenge and debate. Despite a phenomenal workload, she always has time for the team and shows real interest in their experiences both in and out of the working environment. She has stepped back from taking leave to allow another to take time off.

She will always fight for what is right and what she believes in, in order to protect the health and safety of the fleet. Kathryn is always looking to improve policies and procedures ensuring they are workable as well as safe. As a manager she will always listen to your concerns and communicates well with the teams on board and ashore, empowering all to speak up and allowing us to improve where possible.

*Q2 nominations didn’t run due to business impact from the Covid-19 pandemic.  

Remember, you don’t have to wait for the next quarterly Values Awards to recognise someone. Drop your colleague a thank you e-card or Zoom them to say thank you any time.

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